Research projects
Full list of oral presentations
- 03/2012 - UK - Liverpool Postgraduate Symposium - In silico approach to define ‘stemness’ in human embryonic stem cells - 10 minutes
- 05/2012 - UK - Manchester Life Sciences PhD Conference - In silico approach to define ‘stemness’ in human embryonic stem cells - 20 minutes
- 06/2012 - FRANCE - Invited by Hélène Boeuf, CNRS UMR CNRS 5164 CIRID, Bordeaux - A Systems Biology approach to define ‘stemness’ in human embryonic stem cells - 40 minutes
- 01/2013 - UK - Institute of Integrative Biology, Research and Impact Day, Liverpool - Back to the stemhood - a Systems Biology approach identifying external relays involved in stemness of human embryonic stem cells - 2-minute teaser talk
- 09/2013 - UK - PPI-Net Young Researchers Meeting, Leed - Defining stemness of human embryonic stem cells: A systems biology approach - 15 minutes
- 02/2014 - UK - Departmental presentation, Liverpool - Defining stemness of human embryonic stem cells: A systems biology approach - 40 minutes
- 09/2014 - UK - Workshop presentation, Liverpool - Lentivirus approach for knock-in/knock-down studies - 1 hour presentation, co-presented with Sofia Melo Pereira
- 07/2015 - UK - Invited by TrishMurray, the Physiology department, University of Liverpool - Duchenne muscular dystrophy - Human pluripotent stem cells & Exon skipping strategy - 40 minutes
- 11/2015 - FRANCE - Opération "1000 Chercheurs dans les Ecoles", Scientific popularisation in high schools- 1 hour presentation * 8 times - Press articles (in French): & La Montagne
- 02/2016 - FRANCE - The 5th annual consortium meeting of Revive (Regenerative biology & medicine), Chantilly-Gouvieux - Human pluripotent stem cells: Tools to understand Duchenne myopathies and propose novel therapeutic approaches - 1-minute teaser talk
- 06/2016 - FRANCE - Genoforum, Evry - Duchenne muscular dystrophy and exon skipping strategy - 3-minute presentation in a 3MT style (Video & Slides)
- 09/2016 - FRANCE - Forum BiotechPolytech'Marseille - Human pluripotent stem cells: Tools to understand Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) & develop therapeutic approaches - 40 minutes
- 10/2016 - FRANCE - 2nd workshop onRegenerative Medicine, Bordeaux - Human pluripotent stem cells: Tools to understand Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) & develop therapeutic approaches - 10 minutes (best oral presentation prize)
- 11/2016 - FRANCE - I-Stem, Corbeil-Essonnes - Project presentation to the Crédit Agricole - Scientific popularisation - 30 minutes
- 11/2016 - FRANCE - Opération "1000 Chercheurs dans les Ecoles", Scientific popularisation in high schools
- 01/2017 - FRANCE - The 6th annual consortium meeting of Revive (Regenerative biology & medicine), Chantilly-Gouvieux - Defining an early phenotype of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD): a systems biology approach using human pluripotent stem cells - 15 minutes
- 02/2017 - FRANCE - External seminar Ecole Polytech’Clermont-Ferrand - 40 minutes
- 04/2017 - FRANCE - BioTherAlliance meeting – 10 minutes
- 11/2017 - FRANCE - Opération "1000 Chercheurs dans les Ecoles", Scientific popularisation in high schools
- 01/2018 - FRANCE - The 7th annual consortium meeting of Revive (Regenerative biology & medicine), Chantilly-Gouvieux - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease? - 15 minutes
- 11/2018 - FRANCE - Invited by Chantal Housset, Faculté de médecine Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a human developmental disease - 45 minutes
- 11/2018 - FRANCE - Opération "1000 Chercheurs dans les Ecoles", Scientific popularisation in high schools
- 03/2019 - FRANCE - Invited David Israeli, Genethon, Evry - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - 45 minutes
- 03/2019 - FRANCE - Invited by Hélène Boeuf, BxCRM, Bordeaux - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - 45 minutes
- 04/2019 - FRANCE - The 8th annual consortium meeting of Revive (Regenerative biology & medicine), Chantilly-Gouvieux - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - 15 minutes
- 04/2019 - UK - Invited by Trish Murray, the Physiology department, University of Liverpool - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - 40 minutes
- 06/2019 - USA - 1st France-USA Stem cell Symposium, Los Angeles - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease
- - 10 minutes
- 07/2019 - FRANCE - Invited by Laurent Schaeffer, the NeuroMyoGene Institute, Lyon - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - 40 minutes
- 07/2019 - FRANCE - Aurastem meeting, Lyon - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - 10 minutes
- 09/2019 - JAPAN - Invited by Shin'ichi Takeda, National Institute of neuroscience, Tokyo - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells uncovers Duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotypes prior to skeletal muscle commitment - 40 minutes
- 09/2019 - FRANCE - Invited by Pascal Maire/Athanassia Sotiropoulos, Institut Cochin, Paris - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells uncovers Duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotypes prior to skeletal muscle commitment - 40 minutes
- 10/2019 - FRANCE - Invited by Frederic Relaix, Université Pari-est, Créteil - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells uncovers Duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotypes prior to skeletal muscle commitment - 40 minutes
- 11/2019 - FRANCE - Workshop “Computational systems biology for complex diseases” 2019, Paris-Saclay - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells uncovers Duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotypes prior to skeletal muscle commitment - 1 hour
- 02/2020 - FRANCE - Invited by Nicolas Glade, TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a developmental disease - Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells uncovers Duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotypes prior to skeletal muscle commitment - 1 hour
Examples of oral presentations
Full list of posters
- 12/2011 - UK - Mercia Stem Cell Alliance, Annual Scientific Meeting, Manchester - In silico approach to define ‘stemness’ in human embryonic stem cells
- 01/2012 - UK - Institute of Integrative Biology, Research and Impact Day, Liverpool - In silico approach to define ‘stemness’ in human embryonic stem cells
- 05/2012 - SWITZERLAND - Gordon Research Conference on Fibroblast GrowthFactors in Development & Disease, Les Diablerets - In silico approach to define ‘stemness’ in human embryonic stem cells (co-best poster prize)
- 12/2012 - UK - Mercia Stem Cell Alliance, Annual Scientific Meeting, Nottingham - Identification and study of proteins potentially involved in ‘stemness’ maintenance of human embryonic stem cells: a top-down approach
- 01/2013 - UK - Institute of Integrative Biology, Research and Impact Day, Liverpool - Back to the stemhood - a Systems Biology approach identifying external relays involved in stemness of human embryonic stem cells
- 05/2013 - UK - Manchester Life Sciences PhD Conference - Back to the stemhood - a Systems Biology approach identifying external factors involved in stemness of human embryonic stem cells
- 10/2013 - GERMANY - Quantitative Single Cell Biology in Stem Cell Researchmeeting, Munich - Back to the stemhood - a Systems Biology approach identifying external factors involved in stemness of human embryonic stem cells
- 12/2013 - UK - Mercia Stem Cell Alliance, Annual Scientific Meeting, University of Keele - Back to the stemhood - a Systems Biology approach to identify extracellular factors involved in stemness of human embryonic stem cells
- 01/2014 - UK - Institute of Integrative Biology, Research and Impact Day, Liverpool - Back to the stemhood - a Systems Biology approach to identify extracellular factors involved in stemness of human embryonic stem cells (best poster prize)
- 04/2014 - UK - Institute of Translational Medicine, Post-Graduate Symposium, Liverpool - Back to the stemhood - a Systems Biology approach to identify extracellular factors involved in stemness of human embryonic stem cells (best poster prize)
- 06/2015 - FRANCE - Colloques JeunesChercheurs, Journées des Familles 2015, Paris - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: pluripotent stem cells & exon skipping strategy
- 02/2016 - FRANCE - The 5th annual consortium meeting of Revive (Regenerativebiology & medicine), Chantilly-Gouvieux - Human pluripotent stem cells: Tools to understand Duchenne myopathies and propose novel therapeutic approaches
- 03/2016 - FRANCE - Myology 2016, 5th International Congress of Myology, Lyon - Duchenne muscular dystrophy: an easy, fast and robust cell platform for developing therapeutic strategies
- 10/2016 - FRANCE - iForum 2016 - Connect Discover Innovate, Paris - Human pluripotent stem cells: Tools to understand Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) & develop therapeutic approaches
- 01/2017 - FRANCE - The 6th annual consortium meeting of Revive (Regenerativebiology & medicine), Chantilly-Gouvieux
- 11/2017 - FRANCE - Annual meeting of the French Society of Myology (SFM), Colmar
- 11/2017 - FRANCE - Annual meeting of the French Society for Stem CellResearch (FSSCR), Paris
- 01/2018 - FRANCE - The 7th annual consortium meeting of Revive (Regenerativebiology & medicine), Chantilly-Gouvieux
- 12/2018 - FRANCE - Annual meeting of the French Society for Stem Cell Research (FSSCR), Nantes
- 12/2018 - FRANCE - Single-cell meeting, Curie Institute, Paris
- 03/2019 - FRANCE - Myology 2019, 6th International Congress of Myology, Bordeaux
- 06/2019 - FRANCE - Maladies Rares congress, Paris
- 06/2019 - USA - ISSCR annual meeting, Los Angeles
- 11/2019 - FRANCE - Annual meeting of the French Society for Stem Cell Research (FSSCR), Lyon
- 11/2019 - FRANCE - Annual meeting of the French Society of Myology (SFM), Marseille
Random wet lab pics
Random dry lab pics
2015-2019 - DMD project
Peer-reviewed articles
- 2022
Cells .
(previously submitted as preprint to bioRxiv - August 2021)
M. Mavinga, M. Palmier, M. Rémy, C. Jeannière, S. Lenoir, S. Rey, M. Saint-Marc, F. Alonso, E. Génot, N. Thébaud, E. Chevret, V. Mournetas , B. Rousseau, C. Boiziau, H. Boeuf - 2022
Plos One .
(previously submitted as preprint to bioRxiv - July 2022)
S. Auger, V. Mournetas , H. Chiapello, V. Loux, P. Langella, J.-M. Chatel - 2022
eLife .
(previously submitted as preprint to bioRxiv - August 2021)
M.R.F. Gosselin, V. Mournetas , M. Borczyk, S. Verma, A. Occhipinti, J. Róg, L. Bozycki, M. Korostynski, S. C Robson, C. Angione, C. Pinset, D.C. Gorecki - 2021
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle .
(previously submitted as preprint to bioRxiv - August 2019)
V. Mournetas , E. Massouridès, J.B. Dupont, H. Polvèche, M. Jarrige, A.R.L. Dorval, M.R.F. Gosselin, A. Manousopoulou, S.D. Garbis, D.C. Górecki, C. Pinset - 2019
Nature Communications . doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07845-z
(previously submitted as preprint to bioRxiv - October 2017)
P.E. Mangeot, V. Rissons, F. Fusil, A. Marnef, E. Laurent, J. Blin, V. Mournetas , E. Massouridès, T.J.M. Sohier, A. Corbin, F. Aube, C. Pinset, L. Schaeffer, G. Legube, F.-L. Cosset, E. Verhoey, T. Ohlmann, E. P. Ricci - 2016
JBM . DOI: 10.14440/jbm.2016.142
V. Mournetas , S. Melo Pereira, D. G. Fernig, P. A. Murray -
Plos One . DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146281
A. A. Hammoud, N. Kirstein, V. Mournetas , A. Darracq, S. Broc, C. Blanchard, D. Zeineddine, M. Mortada, H. Bœuf - 2015
Dp412e: a novel human embryonic dystrophin isoform induced by BMP4 in early differentiated cells
Skeletal Muscle . DOI:10.1186/s13395-015-0062-6
E. Massouridès, J. Polentes, P.-E. Mangeot, V. Mournetas , J. Nectoux,N. Deburgrave, P. Nusbaum, F. Leturc, L. Popplewell, G. Dickson, N. Wein, K. M. Flanigan, M. Peschanski, J. Chelly and C. Pinset - 2014
Peer J . DOI:10.7717/peerj.618
(previously submitted as preprint to PeerJ - June 2014)
V. Mournetas , Q. M. Nunes, P. A. Murray, C. M. Sanderson, D. G. Fernig - 2013
The heparin-binding protein interactome in pancreatic diseases
Pancreatology . DOI:10.1016/j.pan.2013.08.004
Q.M. Nunes, V. Mournetas , B. Lane, R. Sutton, D.G. Fernig, O. Vasieva
- 2012
LIF-Dependent Signaling: New Pieces in the Lego.
Stem cell reviews . 8(1):1-15. DOI:10.1007/s12015-011-9261-7
M.-E. Mathieu, C. Saucourt, V. Mournetas , X. Gauthereau, N. Thézé, V. Praloran, P. Thiébaud, H. Bœuf
- 2022
bioRxiv .
C. Savary, ..., V. Mournetas , ..., L. Broutier - 2022
bioRxiv . (Now published in Plos One - November 2022)
S. Auger, V. Mournetas , H. Chiapello, V. Loux, P. Langella, J.-M. Chatel - 2022
A transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community
N. Gratiot,... V. Mournetas ..., I. Michaud-Soret, - 2021
bioRxiv . DOI:10.1101/2021.08.24.457331 (Now published in eLife - September 2022)
M. R. F. Gosselin, V. Mournetas M. Borczyk, L. Bozycki, M. Korostynski, S. C. Robson, C. Pinset, D. C. Górecki, - 2019
bioRxiv . DOI:10.1101/720920
(Now published in Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle - February 2021)
V. Mournetas , E. Massouridès, J.-B. Dupont, E. Kornobis, H. Polvèche, M. Jarrige, M. Gosselin, S. D. Garbis, D. C. Górecki, C. Pinset - 2017
bioRxiv .
(Now published in Nature Communications - January 2019)
P.E. Mangeot, V. Rissons, F. Fusil, A. Marnef, E. Laurent, J. Blin, V. Mournetas , E. Massouridès, T.J.M. Sohier, A. Corbin, F. Aube, C. Pinset, L. Schaeffer, G. Legube, F.-L. Cosset, E. Verhoey, T. Ohlmann, E. P. Ricci - 2014
Peer J .
(Now published in PeerJ - October 2014)
V. Mournetas , Q. M. Nunes, P. A. Murray, C. M. Sanderson, D. G. Fernig
In preparation
- 2022
JID . doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2022.09.243
V. Mournetas , M. Fayyad-kazan, M. Dorr, R. Fitoussi, S. bourgoin, M. Seve, W. Rachidi
- 2018
Cah. Myol. . doi: 0.1051/myolog/201817016
V. Mournetas , E. Massouridès, E. Kornobis, C. Pinset - 2014
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I am very pleased to share with you our latest work on human myogenesis and DMD early onset modelling.
We have analysed time series omics on human pluripotent derived cells and found several interesting elements around mitochondria or fibrosis. But to us, the most important finding is that transcriptional defects appear at the somite stage, before the expression of skeletal muscle markers and before the expression of the muscular dystrophin.
If you are interested, you can find the entire manuscript here, as well as explore the entire datasets here.
Feel free to contact us for any questions or comments you have; we will be happy to discuss.
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The fellowship amount is ranged from € 60,000/year to € 75,000/year (gross salary charged and taxes) according to the experience level of the candidate and is allocated for a maximum of 2 years and is exclusively intended to cover salary costs and related social security contributions.
Genopole-Evry is launching a new call for applications, the objective of which is to grant a fellowship intended to facilitate the return to France of a young researcher trained in France who has completed at least one post-doctoral internship abroad in order to accompany a research project within the Genopole biocluster.
This fellowship is strictly for the sole purpose of:
-A young French or foreign researchers trained in France. i. e. who have obtained their doctorate in France or who have completed at least 3 years of higher education in France.
-And who wish to return to France after a stay abroad.
Studying onset of Duchenne muscular dystrophy during myogenesis from human pluripotent stem cells to identify early markers and therapeutic targets
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common form of muscular dystrophy. It is a recessive X-linked monogenic myopathy caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene leading to the loss of a functional protein. Most DMD patients display severe phenotypes that usually appear in early childhood (2-5 years old). These patients, one boy on 3,300 boy births, have a progressive loss of muscle strength implying the use of wheelchair by age 12 and leading to premature death due to cardiac and respiratory failures in their late twenties.
The main role of the muscle long dystrophin isoform is to maintain the homeostasis of adult muscle fibres by participating to membrane stability during contraction. Many converging data and our recent discovery of the existence of an embryonic form of dystrophin specific to the early stage of differentiation in anthropoids lead to propose new functions of this protein during the onset of skeletal muscle differentiation.
Combining the use of cell models derived from human pluripotent stem cells which mimic the earlier phases of differentiation with the exhaustive expression analysis by next-generation-sequencing approaches, our team has been able to show that DMD cells present a specific and complex phenotype from 3 days of differentiation. More precisely, we have been able to identify around 300 genes significantly dysregulated in DMD skeletal muscle progenitors.
From the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, the postdoctoral researcher will elaborate novel hypotheses on the DMD phenotype during the early phases of development that will be tested in vitro by functional approaches such as gain- and loss-of-function experiments. The goal is to find DMD early markers and/or novel therapeutic targets complementary to the dystrophin rescue. This project should lead us to rethink the dystrophin function(s) during human myogenic differentiation.
If you are interested to apply, please contact : Christian Pinset, MD, CNRS research director
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- 1st MSCA young investigator workshop:
- Date: 18/09/2014
- Fees: £5 only
- Theme: lentivirus techniques for knock-in and knock-out approaches - Production & Quantification
- Technical and research presentations
- Opportunities for PhD students and postdocs to present their research via oral presentation
- Technical ressources will be accessible
- Abstract submission (posters & talks) deadline: 15/07/2014
- Registration deadline: 31/08/2014
- 5th MSCA annual meeting:
- Date: 19/09/2014
- Fees: £10 only
- Keynote speaker: Benjamin Dekel, University of Tel Aviv, Israel
- Opportunities for PhD students and postdocs to present their research (oral presentation, poster & 2 min poster teaser talk)
- Abstract submission (posters & talks) deadline: 23/08/2014 (EXTENDED)
- Registration deadline: 31/08/2014
Questions? Requests? Comments? Contact me!
Last update: 12/02/2023